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Inside the W.E.L.L. Summit: Meet Ksenia Avdulova of Breakfast Criminals – WELL Summit

Inside the W.E.L.L. Summit: Meet Ksenia Avdulova of Breakfast Criminals – WELL Summit


Remember when the acai bowl became the hottest thing in wellness? Ksenia Avdulova and her Instagram account @breakfastcriminals was a major factor in bringing that trend to the masses. But what she’s more known for now is sharing the message of creating your dream life and business through authentic social media presence and strategy (and being on some of Kashi’s GOLEAN cereal boxes nationwide). She’s sharing her strategies with us at the W.E.L.L. Summit for the third year in a row and we know you’ll be surprised by some of her answers in our latest peek Inside the W.E.L.L. Summit.

What would WS attendees be surprised to learn about you?

  • English is my second language. I moved to the United States for grad school from Moscow when I was 20!
  • I worked for 5 years for Visual Therapy, a top image consulting company in New York.
  • Also, I started a full time ballet school when I was 23 after never having taken ballet before in my life, just to stay in USA.

What first attracted you to W.E.L.L. Summit? The perfect combination of wellness, luxury and giving back, plus a chance to return to Boston [in 2015], which I love!

What are you teaching at this year’s Summit? I’m going to share my methodology that merges mindfulness and the business of social media influence. I’ll explain how meditation led me to start a 6-figure social media business,  and has been the backbone of all my business decisions. I’ll also provide tools that will help you share your message with more authenticity and impact on social media, while feeling EASE and excitement around it.

What does wellness mean to you? Finding my own definition of wellness guided my intuition… over and over again! Being kind to myself, and removing the concept of “guilt” as far away as possible from the world of food and working out.

What are you hoping to empower attendees with? I can promise that my attendees will leave feeling inspired and excited to create, share and connect on a whole new level. You’ll feel that anything is possible, and social media is one powerful way to make it all happen faster!

What breakout session are YOU signing up for? Always excited to attend Sara DiVello’s sessions, especially this year’s “Calm. Centered. Grounded. Tools to Release Anxiety!”

What exciting things are you working on this year? After years of brewing, I’m so excited to be sharing my social media methodology on a big scale and accessible to all through The Conscious Influencer series on YouTube! It applies to all creatives, entrepreneurs, healers and business people who’re curious about a mindful approach to success and making an impact.

Still not sure if it’s for you or hesitant about the word “influencer”? Check out our “What is an influencer?” video, where my business partner Eric Brief and I totally redefine the concept. We’re taking questions, so ask us anything in comments under the videos. 🙂

Anyone who is at the top of their game has had to persevere and cheerlead themselves. What is one thing others told you was impossible but you proved was possible? Let’s face it: the limiting beliefs we tell ourselves are the most powerful ones. On a subconscious level, they create our future—so be careful what you think.

I used to tell myself and I can’t become a famous fashion blogger that works with dream brands and gets lots of amazing gifts because of meaningless stories like “I don’t have enough expensive clothes” and “I’m not skinny enough.” Once I stopped trying to be what I’m not and started doing what I truly love—combining healthy food and personal growth on my Instagram account @breakfastcriminals—it took off, and I started getting free yoga clothes, blenders, trips, matcha… basically a wellness girl’s dream. 😉

What book(s) are you reading now? Wayne Dyer’s Wishes Fulfilled. It’s a great book about manifestation, law of attraction and the power of mind. I picked it up after watching an interview with Dyer on Lilou Mace’s YouTube channel (which you’ve got to follow!).

What quote inspires you? “This is the real secret of life—to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now.” —Alan Watts

What do you do when you feel out of balance? Stop, drop & meditate! Even 5 minutes of breathing makes such a huge difference.

What is one thing you had to overcome that helped you get where you are today? Overcoming the idea the I need to know everything about a subject before I take action on it. Since I’ve embraced the mantra, “better done than ready,” my life has been filled with more excitement and joy.

Want more W.E.L.L. Summit? Follow along in our Inside the W.E.L.L. Summit series for more behind the scenes info about the upcoming event!


Neal Halfon

Neal Halfon, MD, MPH is founding director of the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities, and also directs the Child and Family Health Leadership and Training Program in the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Dr. Halfon is professor of pediatrics in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA; health policy and management in the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health; and public policy in the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. Is well known for his health related publications.